
Tax Tips for Nurses, Midwives & Carers

To help ‘Nurse’ you into tax time, you can claim the following:

Tax Tips Nurses may be able to claim on their online income tax return

Motor Vehicle Expenses​

You can claim a tax deduction for your motor vehicle if:

  • You are driving from your workplace to another workplace (e.g. running errands, travelling from one medical centre/hospital to another, transporting patients etc.)
  • You are driving between separate workplaces (e.g. to a second job)

*to claim your car expenses you need to keep a 12 week consecutive logbook to work out your work-related percentage, or you need to keep a record of the kilometres travelled to claim using the cents per kilometre method.

Phone & Internet Expenses

  • You can claim the work-related portion of your internet and phone usage as tax deductions if your boss needs you to use your personal devices for work.

*Keep a one month logbook of the personal and business use to apportion the work use at tax time.

Self-Education Expenses

  • You can claim a deduction for self-education and professional development expenses if the course directly relates to your current job and will lead to an increase in income or improve your skills within your current role.

Uniforms & Laundry

  • Most Nurses have specific clothing they need to wear to work. This may include a uniforms with a logo or protective wear. You can claim the purchase and laundry costs for these items.

Other Common Work-Related Tax Deductible Expenses

  • FOB Watches and battery replacements
  • Equipment such as torches, stethoscopes etc.
  • Certificate Fees
  • Annual Practising, Union & Association Fees
  • Subscriptions to nursing magazines, books etc. that are used to maintain your knowledge.
  • Stationery—e.g. Pens, Diaries, Logbooks etc.

Remember the ATO’s 3 Golden Rules for claiming a tax deduction:

  • You must have spent the money yourself and weren’t reimbursed
  • It must be directly related to earning your income
  • You must have a record to prove it

Our Tax Blogs - 

What can a nurse claim on my tax return?

Can I Claim my Uniform on my Tax Return?

Can I Claim Driving to work on my Tax?

Self Education Expenses on your Tax

Our Tax Videos

Nurses, Are you getting the Tax deductions you deserve?