Claiming Donations on your Tax Return
July 24, 2023
What to watch for in claiming donations on your income tax
If you have done some good and chucked a few dollars into a charity tin or donated hundreds of dollars to a charity, then you may be able to claim it back on your tax return as a deduction.
But wait….
Before you go and enter that donation into your tax return there are a few things to be aware of:
For your tax deduction to be eligible, the donation needs to be given to a charity that is registered as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR).
You can only claim tax deductions up to $10 for donations without receipts – so if you have over that amount, file those receipts away!
If your donation may have a benefit to you e.g. you enjoyed a delicious sausage sandwich from a local charity BBQ or you bought some tickets for a raffle – you can’t claim these as a tax deduction.
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To check whether a charity is registered as a DGR, go to ABN lookup and enter in the charities ABN to see hwether your tax deduction qualifies.
Scroll down to Deductible Gift Recipient Status this will tell you whether the charity is registered as a DGR or not.
There will be a section on Gotax Online’s Electronic Tax Return (etax) where you can enter the amount you spent on donations this year. Once you have completed your tax return you can lodge it via our etax system.
Claim your Donations on your GoTax etax return now! The process is simple! Check you have selected Donations, enter in the amounts and the charities that you donated to!
Note that the information provided is general in nature and subject to change, please contact one of our professionals who can evaluate your circumstances and provide more accurate advice to your current situation.
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