
Tax Videos

Nurses' eTax Tutorial
Miners eTax Tutorial
Teachers eTax Tutorial
GoTax Pricing - What can you get?
Introducing you to GoTax Online
Entering in your Income Tutorial
Self-Education Tutorial
GoTax Land - TOP 5 TAX Mistakes!
GoTax Land - WEIRD TAX Deductions - Can you claim them?!
GoTax LIVE! - Q&A's - Flu Shots, Kmart & Glasses
Get Smart with GoTax - Salary Sacrificing your Superannuation
GoTax Land - What is a TAX Deduction?
GoTax Land - Why Can't I Claim My Expenses?
GoTax LIVE - Q&A's - Headphones, Phone Charger & Hearing Aids
Save $210! Lodge on time!
Coronavirus - JobSeeker Payment
Coronavirus - JobKeeper Payment for Self Employed
Coronavirus - JobKeeper Payment for Employers
Coronavirus - JobKeeper Payment for Employees
2020 Tax Updates
Get the 'Working from Home' Tax deductions you deserve! Watch our video to find out more! Head to www.gotax.com.au to claim your 'Work from Home' tax deductions.
GoTax LIVE - Special Car Expense Edition
What is a Work Expense?
2021 Tax is here! Take a look at the tax items the ATO are putting under the microscope this year.
BIG BIG BIG Bumper tax refunds up for grabs in your 2021 online income tax return. Ka-Ching!!
Thanks to a couple of offsets, tax free threshold for our low income earners has INCREASED - which means more money back in your pocket when you complete your 2021 Online Income Tax Return.
Guess what? The little COVID buggers are still hanging around, so the ATO are generously extending the 80c shortcut method for the full 2021 tax year
The best things in life may need to come with a little bit of effort. This is the case with claiming home office tax deductions on your online income tax return.
Specific germ prevention items are tax deductible on your online tax return this year - just remember... it must be for WORK, you must be working in close proximity to customers and colleagues, you can't be reimbursed and you must have receipts to validate.
JobKeeper! Many of us have been paid it... do we need to declare it on our tax returns? And... if we do have to declare it... can we claim expenses against this income? You'll have to watch to find out...
Did you hear the news? Some of us might be getting more money in our pockets when we do our tax return this year. Find out how...
Claiming your car kilometres is EASY-PEASY! All you need to do is keep a diary tracking your work kilometres. Find out more...
If you're looking at getting the best tax refund possible and you drive your car ALOT for work, this tax deduction could by far be the best tax option for you...

Tax Glossary

Tax Avoidance

Tax avoidance involves deliberate misuse of the tax system

Lump Sum

Money taken as a single payment.

Tax Agent

A person or business registered with the Taxation Practitioners Board and provides tax agent services for a fee.

Personal Deductible Super Contributions

Personal super contributions a taxpayer can claim as a tax deduction on their tax return if they meet certain eligibility criteria.


Any form of property owned. E.g. A car, house, work equipment.