
Tax Blogs

How does GoTax Online work?

June 14, 2022

How does GoTax online work?

How to work Gotax Online

We have taken our in-office interview process and turned it into an easy to use, fun taxation experience. We have taken all of the big tax words and made the process simple, to ensure you get all the tax deductions you deserve, in what we hope will result in you getting a nice big refund!

When you have your tax stuff ready, select your occupation and enter in your personal details, then you can begin your tax return.

We’ll ask you questions along to way and do all of the tricky calculations behind the scenes to make it your income tax return nice and easy for you.  

The questions we ask will help determine which tax deductions you’re entitled to. We will also provide you with information in simple ‘speak’ language so that you have a better understanding of what your income tax obligations are.

During the process, you’ll find handy ‘Tips’, ‘Red Alerts’, ‘Information’ and Logbook downloads to help you out. We also throw in a few jokes here and there to liven up the tax return process and hopefully put a smile on your dial.

Want to use GoTax Online for your first time?

Lodge your first Tax Return with GoTax for FREE!

Don’t worry – we’ll be gentle…

Easy Online Tax Returns

Note that the information provided is general in nature and subject to change, please contact one of our professionals who can evaluate your circumstances and provide more accurate advice to your current situation.

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