
Tax Blogs

Lodgement Pending with Gotax

June 24, 2024

Understanding Your Lodgement Pending Status with GoTax

When managing your income tax return with GoTax, you might come across the "Lodgement Pending" status. This status indicator helps you understand where your tax return is in the GoTax process. It's essential to distinguish this from the ATO's Lodgement Pending status.


  1. What Does Lodgement Pending Mean?
  2. Review Phase Explanation
  3. Possible Outcomes
  4. How to Respond
  5. Lodgement Timing Between Tax Years
  6. Further Assistance

1. What Does Lodgement Pending Mean?

When you sign in and notice your status is "Lodgement Pending," it signifies that your return is at the review phase of the GoTax process. This phase is crucial for ensuring accuracy and maximising your tax deductions to secure the maximum refund.

2. Review Phase Explanation

At this stage, a GoTax tax accountant reviews your online income tax return to check for any errors or missed deductions. This thorough review helps in maximising your tax deductions and ensures that your income tax return is error-free.

3. Possible Outcomes

There are two possible outcomes from the review:

  • Approval: Your return is accurate and complete. We greenlight it and lodge it as you have instructed.
  • Clarifications Needed: If there are concerns about missing deductions, errors, or unclear personal details, we will notify you for further information.

4. How to Respond

If clarification is needed, our internal communication system will email you with our concerns. It is important to respond via this email system to resolve any issues quickly and ensure your income tax return is completed and lodged as soon as possible.

5. Lodgement Timing Between Tax Years

Another instance when the "Lodgement Pending" status might appear is between tax years. This typically happens between June 20th and June 30th, when we are ready to lodge your income tax return, but the ATO has not yet opened the lodgement window to allow tax returns to be lodged.

6. Further Assistance

If you need further assistance or have additional questions, feel free to ask the GoTax AI. We're here to help you navigate your tax return process smoothly.

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