
Tax Blogs

Protect Yourself from Identity Crime

May 26, 2021

Tips to Protect Your Personal Identity from Scammers

In the lead-up, and during Tax Time, you are likely to be exposed to an increase in tax-related scams which many Australian’s are falling victim to. The scams are getting more and more convincing every year, scaring people into giving out sensitive and personal information and/or handing over large sums of money.

Fortunately, there are ways that you and your friends/family can avoid falling victim to these scams.

  1. Protect your Personal Information

It is extremely important to keep all of your personal information protected, this includes your: full name, date of birth, current address, bank account details, credit card details, tax file number, drivers’ licence, passport, and any passwords. If this kind of information falls into the hands of a scammer, they can use it to impersonate you on your tax returns, bank accounts, etc.

  1. Be Careful what you Share on Social Media

Posting on social media might be second nature to you but you must be careful.

By posting your personal information you put yourself at risk of being targeted by scammers, never share your personal information with anyone, even with people you know.

  1. Be Suspicious of Requests for Personal Information

Scammers can be very creative in getting your personal information, some of these ways may include posing as the ATO or other trustworthy institutions. If someone requests personal information from you, make sure you always stay on high alert as it might be a scammer.

If you or someone you know is unsure, it’s okay to hang up the phone and call us on 07 3881 0942 or call the ATO’s scam line on 1800 008 540 to confirm.

  1. Legitimate Payment Methods

Scammers tend to request payments on fake invoices or false debts, and they use very clever threatening tactics. You can check the legitimacy of a payment method at ato.gov.au/howtopay.

If you are ever suspicious of a phone call, text, email or letter contact us immediately on 07 3881 0942 or you can call the ATO’s dedicated scam line on 1800 008 540.

Stay safe, stay alert, and please share with your friends and family.

Note that the information provided is general in nature and subject to change, please contact one of our professionals who can evaluate your circumstances and provide more accurate advice to your current situation.


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