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Top Ten Dodgy Tax Deductions |Online Ta

June 22, 2024

Top Ten Dodgy Tax Deductions that Taxpayers Mistakenly Claim on Their Income Tax Return

Lots of misinformation over beers and BBQs result in some taxpayers making questionable claims. Mistakenly claiming dodgy tax deductions can lead to audits, fines, and penalties from the Taxation Office. Here are some of the common dodgy tax deductions that you need to avoid:


  1. Non-Deductible Work-Related Expenses
  2. Private Vehicle Use
  3. Home Office Expenses
  4. Holiday Homes
  5. Self-Education Expenses
  6. Incorrectly Apportioned Expenses
  7. Luxury Car Depreciation
  8. Personal Super Contributions
  9. Private Health Insurance
  10. Family and Friends
  11. How to Avoid Dodgy Deductions

Non-Deductible Work-Related Expenses

Many taxpayers mistakenly believe that any expense remotely related to their job is tax deductible. However, the ATO is strict about what qualifies as a legitimate work-related expense. For example, personal grooming, commuting costs, and everyday clothing (even if it's worn to work) are not tax deductible.

Private Vehicle Use

Claiming deductions for using a personal vehicle for work purposes is common, but many taxpayers overestimate the business use percentage. The ATO requires detailed records, such as a logbook, to substantiate claims. Overclaiming can easily trigger an audit.  Use logbooks and expenses recorders to get this right.... Deduction Grabber.

Home Office Expenses

With the rise of remote work, many taxpayers claim home office expenses. However, claiming expenses for spaces that are not exclusively used for work, such as a living room or bedroom, is not allowed. Only a dedicated workspace qualifies for deductions.

Holiday Homes

Some taxpayers claim full deductions for holiday homes, even during periods when the property is not rented out or genuinely available for rent. The ATO requires expenses to be apportioned correctly, and claims for personal use periods are not deductible.

Self-Education Expenses

While self-education expenses can be deductible, they must be directly related to your current job. Courses undertaken to get a new job or change careers are not deductible. Additionally, expenses like travel, meals, and accommodation for study tours or conferences are often overclaimed.

Incorrectly Apportioned Expenses

Incorrectly apportioning expenses between private and business use is a common mistake. For example, claiming the full cost of a phone or internet bill as a tax deduction, when it’s used for both personal and work purposes is not allowed. Only the business-use portion is deductible.

Luxury Car Depreciation

Claiming depreciation for luxury cars can be tricky. The ATO has a car limit for depreciation, and any amount exceeding this limit is not tax deductible. Many taxpayers mistakenly claim the full cost of the car, leading to incorrect deductions.

Personal Super Contributions

Claiming deductions for personal super contributions requires meeting specific conditions, such as providing a valid notice of intent to your super fund. Failing to meet these requirements results in non-deductible contributions, yet many taxpayers still mistakenly claim them.

Private Health Insurance

Some taxpayers incorrectly claim deductions for private health insurance premiums. While having private health insurance can reduce your Medicare levy surcharge, the premiums themselves are not deductible.

Family and Friends

Claiming expenses for family members or friends, such as hiring them as employees or contractors without genuine work performed, is a big no-no. The ATO scrutinizes such claims closely, and any deductions without legitimate business purposes will be denied.

How to Avoid Dodgy Deductions

To avoid falling into the trap of claiming dodgy deductions, here are some tips:

Document your claims the right way with the Gotax Deduction Grabber App.  Scan now:

Deduction Grabber

Doing your income tax return accurately not only helps you avoid penalties but also ensures you get the maximum refund you’re entitled to. .

If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to try the GotaxAi Q&A system.

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