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The Government has their noses in everything… Centrelink, Bankruptcy and Child Support, these are just some of the things that could delay your tax return. Introducing why your tax return might be delayed #4 The ATO need to check with other Government departments to see if you owe them money before they process your return. If you don’t owe them money, then woohoo! Your refund should be on the way. If you do owe them money, then these departments will dip their hands into your refund before sending the remainder along to you. |
JobKeeper Payments for Sole Traders/Small businesses If you received JobKeeper during the year, make sure you include your JobKeeper income on your tax return. The ATO have a record of this and will add it in manually. This can make a big difference to your tax estimate. |
Every Dollar Counts! Don’t let the ATO take your hard-earned money. Work purchases, Home Office, Phone, Computer, Internet & Car use for work are tax deductible! What does this mean? To put your tax refund into BOOST MODE download a recordkeeping tool like Deduction Grabber, that way you can keep track of your work expenses and take photos of your receipts to keep them safe. |
Working out in the Sun? If you have to work out in the sun for long periods of time, your sun protection may be tax deductible. This could be things like:
If your sunglasses are over $300, the ATO expect them to last you quite a while, so that deduction will need to be spread of a number of years. So, remember to keep your receipts in your Deduction Grabber app to claim your sun protection on your tax return.