
Tax Tips for Teachers

Learn about the tax deductions you may be able to claim on your tax return...

Tax Tips Teachers may be able to claim on their online income tax return

Common Work-Related Expenses

  • Stationery & Teaching Aids/Resources or materials that were not paid for by the school
  • Computers, Laptops & Other Equipment e.g. Printers, Tablets, Calculators etc.*
  • Annual Teacher Registrations
  • Working with children/blue card applications
  • Union/Membership Fees
  • Personal Superannuation Contributions
  • Books and Professional Libraries that are used to improve or maintain your skills
  • Sun protection e.g. sun hats, sunglasses and sunscreen while out working in the sun on playground duties

*Computers, Laptops or Equipment that cost over $300 will have to spread the tax deduction over a few years.


  • If you complete any training or courses that will improve or maintain your skills directly related to your current role, you can claim the training/course costs.
  • You can also claim Travel, Accommodation, Text books/Manuals, Computers, Equipment & Stationery related to the course.

Phone, Internet, Home Office

  • If you need to use phone for work, you can claim the work use %.
  • If you need to use your internet for work, you can claim the work use %.
  • If you need to take work home with you e.g. to mark exams or write report cards, and work from a designated office, you can claim the home office running expenses.

*Keep a one month logbook tracking your usage to claim these expenses as a tax deduction.

Motor Vehicle Expenses

You can claim a tax deduction for your motor vehicle if:

  • You needed to use your personal car to travel to excursions, camps, school sporting events etc.
  • You are driving between separate workplaces (e.g. to a second job)

*to claim your car expenses you need to keep a 12 week consecutive logbook to work out your work-related percentage, or you need to keep a record of the kilometres travelled to claim using the cents per kilometre method.

Our Tax Blogs - 

What can a teacher claim on their tax?

Tax Returns - Claiming Home Office

Can I Claim Driving to work on my Tax?

Self Education Expenses on your Tax

Our Tax Videos - 

